Look below to see our upcoming events

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Upcoming Events

  • Open Question Group

    It seems like January is a good time to hunker in and do a Bible study-type series.  So, we thought we would provide some diverse perspectives on reading the Bible, from “progressive” to creative, to Jewish, to “conservative” viewpoints.  Hope it will be good food for thought.

    January 5:  Taking the Bible Seriously But Not Literally with Marcus Borg.  This listening is an interview between Marcus and a Presbyterian pastor.  This is a bit of a summary of Marcus’ calling regarding what he terms, “adult Christian re-education” but also focuses on his book Reading the Bible Again For the First Time: Taking the Bible Seriously But Not Literally which is in the same vein as his best-selling books, Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time: The Historical Jesus and the Heart of Contemporary Faith and The God We Never Knew: Beyond Dogmatic Religion to a More Authentic Contemporary Faith.  BONUS!  A few copies of these books will be at the group to take for free and share as you would like.

  • Shower Ministry

    Join us on Tuesday mornings between 8:30 and 11:30 for an opportunity to connect with our unsheltered neighbors. We would love to have you involved in this important ministry. Donations of socks, underwear, and soaps are always welcome.

  • Jazz Sundays

    2nd Sunday of the month at 10 am

    Pease join us for our 10AM worship service, every 2nd Sunday of the month, for our Jazz Sunday. The CobbleStone Quartet plays throughout the worship service, and provides us with fun and different jazz selections every month.

  • True Colors Helena

    Mondays at 6 pm

    True Colors is a group sponsored by St. Paul’s, and is a weekly gathering of young adults (ages 18+) in the LGBTQIA+ community and those who are allies. We meet every Monday at 6:00 PM in Room 208 of the Susanna Wesley building. For the first week of the month we have a movie night; second, a potluck; third, a game night; and fourth, a craft night.